
What is TradingView API?

This API is to be implemented by the Brokers in order to connect their backend systems to TradingView, that acts as a frontend. Check the info page for more info and use the contact form there if you have any questions. There are two types of requests — client and server. Client requests are executed at the browser.

How to get access token in TradingView?

TradingView sends a POST request to the token_url to obtain an access token. The client_id and client_secret are included as parameters in the request body. The JWT is sent in a parameter named assertion. The response to this request should contain an access_token. A refresh_token is optional and can be omitted:

What happens if the connection is broken in TradingView?

Server constantly keeps the connection alive. If the connection is broken - the server constantly tries to restore it. TradingView establishes up to 4 simultaneous connections to this endpoint and expects to get the same data to all of them. Transfer mode is chunked encoding.


